The shift for a new vision


Recognize limiting beliefs
Pay attention to your emotions and thoughts to reprogram your mind
Access the quantum world to materialize your dreams
Pay attention to where you put your intention
Change your belief system
Reprogram the mind – trust and  visualize your dreams

You can reprogram your mind the moment you discover you have the power to do it. But every change involves a commitment, so the question would be, are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it?

Recognize limiting beliefs

Your mind is programmed in the first years of life with “tribal beliefs”. You learn behavior patterns in your childhood through influences from your environment, especially from your parents, grandparents, but also from other family members and educators. However, once you reach adulthood, you have the power to become aware of your own power regardless of the teachings of the tribe or groups that have marked you until now, to get out of the box….

It is from that moment, that you must inquire what is your belief system, transmitted from generation to generation, that is limiting you. You have been programmed in a certain way, so you attract the same situations as your family and ancestors. You need to observe your thoughts, emotions, and actions to recognize the effects they have on the outside and to take responsibility for your decisions.

Any change you want to see reflected on the outside must start inside you

Pay attention to your emotions and thoughts to reprogram your mind
You can reprogram your mind the moment you discover you have the power to do it. But every change involves a commitment, so the question would be, are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it?

Any change you want to see reflected on the outside must start inside you

To make changes in your life, you must pay special attention to both the symptoms present in your physical body and the signals that your subconscious mind is sending you. If you go through life with the autopilot on, no change will occur. Even if you dream it, ask for it verbally, or don’t stop complaining about your current situation, nothing will change.

Your mind is not designed for success, but to keep you out of harm in your comfort zone. This does not mean that your mind tries to sabotage your desires, but rather protect you from the unknown, that it cannot analyze and measure. All new opportunities are presented outside the known, so the mind naturally rejects them.

The thoughts provoke emotions, emotions lead to actions, and actions lead to a result. With this sequence, it is clearly understood that you must emphasize your thoughts to achieve different results. If you want to change your life, you must change your mind. And to achieve this, meditation is an immensely powerful tool, like many others that I will describe in other articles.

We are the result of what we have thought.

Access the quantum world to materialize your dreams

 To break with these mental patterns that limit you and access the quantum world, where the energy of your thoughts can work true miracles, you must work in your inner world. Do not try to convince others of what to do or focus on external circumstances. Begin to direct your gaze inward to work on your inner world.

If you think the problem is out there, stop. That thought is your problem ” S. Covey

Pay attention to where you put your intention

To see changes in your life, you must pay attention to where you put your intention. We attract what we focus on, so if your thoughts are expressed in negative, what you will see reflected will be negative. What kind of thoughts do you have throughout the day?

The entire universe vibrates, as it is made up of energy. The same types of vibrations attract, this is what is known by the law of attraction. For that reason, you must start vibrating at the same frequency as your desires. It is mistakenly thought that maintaining a desire for a few minutes a day is sufficient. For this reason, most people believe that the law of attraction does not work. However, if the rest of the daylight hours are changed by the thoughts of your subconscious mind, the visualizations of those minutes will be useless.

A long time ago, the physicist Thomas Young, with his experiment “Quantum Fracture”, demonstrated that the observer varies the behavior of matter. The expectation itself modifies the result. His theory concludes that the material world is transformed by the world of ideas. Watch the following video to clarify these quantum concepts:


Change your belief system

To recondition and reprogram your mind, you must change your beliefs, but how can such a deep-rooted belief system be changed? Repetitions with high visual impact are the key to achieving transformation. To make these visualizations you must relax your mind to penetrate your subconscious more easily. You must convince your logical and rational mind that what you dream is real. If you think you already have what you want, the universe will send it to you.

Reprogram the mind – trust and  Visualize your dreams

In order to reprogram the mind and achieve your goals, get a new house, change your job, the desired child or any other goal, although it may seem unattainable, the fundamental thing is to have the absolute confidence that you are going to achieve it, to visualize and in a concise way the dream so that it does not give rise to confusion, and lastly, and most importantly, keep the practice with determination and perseverance. If you give up too soon you will not see your wishes materialized.

It is in your hands to decide if you want to unblock hidden emotions that do not bring you anything positive in your life and consciously configure new genes for happiness. Meditation, Dancing, Arts, Drum Making not only helps you calm the number of thoughts of your crowded head but also to erase the memories and blockages of the subconscious mind and replace them with new ones that help you achieve everything you propose in your life.

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