If you know who you really are…

If you knew who you really are, you would never fear death again, much less life, because death is life in another way, you would know that you could make those bonds over and over again, in reality you are making them right now, you have occupied other bodies and have embarked on countless adventures before this life and will continue to do so after this.

If you knew who you really are, you would know that you are an Eternal, timeless Soul, that its One with the All, that has everything, that its in Love, Joy and Truth, Peace, Wisdom and Happiness.

If you knew who you really are, you would not see others as separate from you, you would know that beyond the illusion of the physical world, there is a world where we are always One, where we are that unity and collective that many call God, Supreme Force..

If you knew who you really are, you would know that there is nothing, no one, superior or inferior to you, each one is unique and unrepeatable, each one is perfect, each one of us experience life, the purpose here on earth in a different way and unique, each one of us carries our own Light, some remember more what we have always known, but that does not have to make you or someone less, different cycles, times.

If you knew who you really are, you would know that you do not have to ask God…Supreme Force.. for anything, that you do not need to worship him, or that you praise him, that you pay tribute so that he forgives you, in fact, you do not need anything, what God, would you give life to your children just to worship and praise them? And if these didn’t do it the right way, he would send them to eternal fire, what kind of father who loves unconditionally would do that? This only happens when you don’t know who you really are, and who God really is.

If you knew who you really are, you would stop following others, you would stop living according to their experiences and their way of seeing life, you would live from your Light, from your Truth, you would stop looking outside of yourself, because you would know that you are the Source of everything you think you may need.

If you knew who you really are, you would begin to live truly, without fear, without limitations, without judgments, without guilt; you would live fully as the Divine Being that You are, as the Divine Being incarnated on earth, that brings its Light, and lets the music that carries within, that brings Heaven to this world, to take the experiences of this world to Heaven, and come back one more time.

You are the unique expression of the Consciousness,

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