
Shamanic Renaissance

This week I have been interviewed by “Colour outside the lines” an interesting project lead by Lisa Hughes & Joseph Devlin.

Joseph and I met working many times at the Body & Soul Festival in Ireland, we were both working doing therapy and hosting workshops (pictured here is a lovely memory of a workshop) I hosted for @bodyandsoul Festival called “Awakening Movement”

 I share some insights about Shamanic practices and how you can benefit from these simple techniques in daily life.

Shamanism is a universal practice that we know dates back at least a hundred thousand years. The word itself is a tune. This word comes from a Siberian, indigenous culture, and is traditionally seen as meaning one who sees in the dark.

The beauty of the practice of shamanism is that it is spirit driven,  when humans entered this amazing planet earth, they really had no resources or tools for how to survive,  the helping spirits look down on what was happening in the world, all around the world, because people everywhere around the world, all of a sudden were opened up to the world of spirit and, the spirit shared tools and resources and how to talk to the plants and the trees and how to make medicine and how to talk to the spirit of the animals to be able to find food.

Q1 How our voice is related with our Own Power,

Let’s discover our voice, our power, we have in our head, the judgments, given by experiences, by cultural differences, we can shine bright to others. So, through all the empowerment working with the voice, and with the movement, we create more awareness, all over our auric field, And this is precisely how the interconnection comes along to go beyond.

Q2 The idea of the Drum Workshop  -Origin

The idea of the Drum Workshop, came because one of my experiences that I had in the jungle, eight years ago, I was sharing with community, seeing the simplicity where they took a trunk a tree that was dry, and they carve perfectly to create the frame, attaching the skin on it, after a while   they start singing and dancing, and that simplicity, it just catch me. From that moment,



Because in my anthropological research, all those indigenous communities that I have been living with, all of them share the same principle. They don’t speak the same language, the same dialects, but music and sound is universal expression of culture,  no matter how old you are, where you came from….


You can express through music and through rhythms, keep the ancestral wisdom alive,  it has been a tool to pass on through generations, knowledge, and songs that are they were created, like healing songs for children  for comforting,  for celebrations, for funerals.

So it’s a very vast  knowledge created from a Shamanic Drum in many cultures

Since then, I’ve been developing and sharing with other indigenous communities, the way that they make the Drum and the importance for their culture. 

Five years ago, I started in Ireland, my first long Drum workshop and since then I’ve been offering these sacred spaces and nationwide in Ireland, and I’ve been few times abroad,

it’s a daytime workshop is, it’s an experience, as I explained before, how people get in touch with the structure with the fabrics with the texture, , because not so many people nowadays, , have the chance to work with the hands with the fingertips as much as before,  our ancestors were more in touch with the earth,  to function with the whole body but we don’t so often.

Q3 The experience of the Drum Workshop,

The simplicity is the key. In this day time workshops, people, as I say, go through different phases. because sometimes, in a way to navigate the mind through different traumas that people sometimes people are not aware of, and sometimes people are starting to get emotional, and that’s why it’s important, and is as high responsibility for me, when  I hold these workshops, I don’t take lightly. All the awareness of the emotions of the people that are going through.

For more information about Drum Workshop Making

Once we fire these neural connections using the fingertips, throughout these waving process, many emotions raised  along the experience

I work with goat, cow, and buffalo skins, and 8 Sides and 13 Sides Frames, different structures that reflect different indigenous cosmovisions,  it’s a laborious task, to pull the string all the way, that’s the challenge, to be out of the comfort zona creating something.

Shamanic Drum it’s a spiritual tool that you can use for your own purpose for your meditations for healing others, so many people that have been coming to my workshops, they had children with disabilities, and they found through these basic instruments, how to communicate with their children, because the children maybe will not have the same capabilities of expression that we have, but they have others. So, through the drum, they found a way, so this is very magic to experience

Q5 Some settings of the Space

I asked permission to the spirits of the space. I asked permission to the spirit guides of everyone who is attending the workshop, because that’s something that we forget, to ask permission, and the mother earth where sometimes take everything as granted, and we don’t acknowledge and respect the space, also to bring the power of our ancestors into whatever we do nowadays.

Seeing people coming out of the  witnessing their “integrated” happy faces, looking how they transform the communication within and communication with others is the best  for me

There is no need to be a musician, doesn’t have to be a singer, doesn’t have to be the best craftsperson everybody can do it, and I had in my workshops, mothers with children, last time, a couple came over, early 70s, , so it’s for everyone. people from, maybe 15 years old , until the sky is the limit

 All this hard work with your hands,  is pure mindfulness what people are talking  nowadays, but this is just simple as that, you know, because your, your mind is focused on one thing. 

Q6 Online Project

I am developing an online course; I am developing a guide through with videos and explanations, anthropology view. It will be accessible for everyone, where I will be sending the the materials to people and people will make from in their own homes.

Q6 What to do to lift Our Body &Soul in a difficult day?

 Many of us faced with many energies around us, as we are an alive magnet, it’s okay that sometimes we don’t feel as 100% vitality every day. So one of my best practices that I do when they feel in that way I always like to leave  the shoes by home entrance and I always try as much as I can  walk barefoot. So  First thing is just to take your shoes off , getting in touch with the ground with the carpet whatever surface you have, if you have a garden, even better, So my advice, be barefoot and play some  music that remind  your childhood, a song, a song that is connected to a memory, 

For more information about personalised Shamanic Drums, feel free to send a message.

Remembering the you are 10 years old again, playing, reconnect with your inner child  For me, I have to say. One of the songs that it just brought me back to my childhood, its  the TV show, comics, called  Thundercats is just as simple as that, and I, when I listen Thundercat’s, I just feel 10 years old again so easy.. to go beyond the body perception 

Because back in that time We didn’t have judgments, we didn’t have worries, we didn’t have many things, that baggage that we accumulate in life, This is a beautiful experience

Q7 Plant Medicines Awareness

I am passionate about the Ancestral Healing methods, especially the work with Shamanic Plant Medicines, this is something that I’ve been practicing for maybe for around 10 years. I have been authorized and trained to handle Shamanic Medicines, also I belong to an Indigneous Community called Muysca in Colombia.

It’s a very extensive topic to talk , they are great helpers,  gate openers

Something that I’ve been working in the last years is to educate people about it. So when I do hold spiritual retreats in many countries. I teach people, , the elements that should be in place in any shamanic healing plant medicine ceremony for them to recognize them, … the plant medicines have been here before us, centuries of knowledge. As much as I like to work and the preservation of the ancestral medicines, I like the  the mind, I graduated from psychology, just a year ago.

 I am very interested in Neuroplasticity epigenetics, I have participated in many Joe Dispenza workshops, all  the function of the brain, but all in the chemical way, combined also with the mysticism of shamanism , and all these ancient practices.

In relation to my work I like to support on my projects,  circles of women in these indigenous communities, women leaders of their communities. So I get different necklaces and bracelets and  shamanic tools from them, because it’s a way for me to contribute and to keep alive all these ancestral crafts and wisdom.

Thank you so much for allowing me to have the space and the voice here, not just my voice, but the  voices of elders,  that have been here, way before. I am just a bridge to pass on this shamanic practices. 

Thank you


The practice of shamanism has always been a practice of direct revelation, and it’s so touching how many people sacrifice their lives all over the world. And so I am sure that most of you who are listening to this call do have ancestors who practice shamanism, but there’s been an incredible amount of religious and political persecution against people who have practiced shamanism. So in so many cultures, the practice was actually driven underground. So for example, among the Saami people of Lapland, they had to bury their drums. They’re still finding some drums that were buried because of all the persecution for owning a drum. And they came up with a way to do their visionary experiences of singing chants called J O I K cause they weren’t allowed to use the drums as shamans have used all over the world. And so there was so much sacrifice from our ancestors who were imprisoned or killed or who had their shamanic tools taken away..

Un regalo , aqui muchos libros para descargar en espanol


And it’s so beautiful that here we are, so many hundreds of years later with this amazing resurgence of shamanism all over the world of people taking up the old shamanic tools and the old shamanic ways again, and honouring our ancestors and allowing the spirits to help us learn the tools that we all need to navigate the incredibly turbulent times that we’re living in right now. So back to the practice of shamanism and the tools that it offers shamanism is a practice of direct revelation. And what that means is that every one of us is trained by these helping compassionate spirits who volunteer themselves into our lives to protect us and to keep us healthy and to help us learn how to grow into the best people that we can be and manifest our greatest dreams, which is why we came here to the planet.

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