Alex Rey Shamanic Healer & Holistic Massage Therapist.
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I inspire individuals to awaken their inherent power and purpose on earth, guiding them to embrace their brilliance and manifest their dreams. Through my treatments and mentoring, I adopt a spiritual and holistic approach, tailoring each session to address the unique emotional and physical needs of my clients. As an intuitive bodyworker, I aid individuals in comprehending and releasing their fears, fostering inner healing and growth.

My life is guided by a profound commitment to serving others.

As a Shamanic Healer, I harness the wisdom of nature and the sacred essence of all living beings to facilitate profound healing and transformation. I believe that true fulfillment arises when we align ourselves with the natural rhythms of life, embracing the interconnectedness of all existence.

“If you do not harmonize with the flow of life… The melody remains stagnant, and each day feels like a repetition of the last. That’s why I empower individuals to take a quantum leap, enabling them to embody their authentic selves and fulfill their unique purpose in this journey of life.”

  • Shamanic Healer (Active Member of the Muysca Indigenous Community- Colombia).
  • Wisdom-keeper of Ancestral knowledge learnt from different Indigenous Communities across the World.
  • Certificate in Psychology
  • Certified Massage Therapist
  • Certificate Life Coach
  • Dance Instructor & Performer
  • Aromatherapist, Certified Aroma Touch
  • NLP practitioner
  • Facilitator of “Awakening Movement -Bio Dance”
  • Certified in Ayurvedic Thai Massage
  • Certified Access Bar Consciousness Bars Therapist 
  • Certificate in Lomi Lomi Massage.

    I support individuals in forging and often reestablishing a profound connection with the entirety of existence, facilitating the healing of traumas and obstacles to transcend beyond the unseen realms.

    A significant portion of my guidance is dedicated to leading others toward embracing the present moment, recognizing the beauty found within impermanence.

    My treatments and spiritual healing ceremonies adhere to all spiritual and legal permits required by indigenous law and cosmology, for which I am fully trained to handle various ancestral medicines.

    These practices are in alignment with the cosmology, usages, and customs of the Muysca Indigenous Community. Over the past decade, I have led spiritual retreats in numerous countries, guiding individuals in transcending into a new way of loving life, overcoming traumas, and breaking free from old patterns.

    Each year, I journey to South America to visit and share wisdom with shamans, healers, and medicine people in the Colombian Amazon and Peru, as supporting ancestral traditions is at the heart of my mission. Additionally, I have had the privilege of spending meaningful time with Native Canadians and shamans in Siberia, Russia.

    Through an ongoing and profound sacred process of awakening, I am deeply connected to my ancestral roots, allowing me to expand consciousness and contribute to the collective upliftment.

    My Spiritual Retreats are sacred circles of Cosmic Family; a Tribe; a Microcosm of the Macrocosm. 

    Gaining wisdom through our experiences is essential; it enables us to differentiate between what serves our well-being and what doesn’t, both for ourselves and the broader world. The more open we are to honestly examining our lives, the greater chance we have to cultivate wisdom and evolve.



    Facilitator of  workshops  like the Ritual Experience called by myself “Awakening Dance” and “Awakening Inner Child”, ” Shamanic Drum Making” using the resources of Bio Dance, 5 Rhythms & Trance Dance, combined with sound healing & Shamanic Drumming in which I create an introspection journey for people for them to create-birth their own vibration. 


    As we heal ourselves, we heal our world, our planet. We are creating, step by integral step, a new paradigm based on trust, openness and personal integrity and authenticity.

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